Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I Turn Twenty

Twenty times around the Sun...that describes my life's journey PHYSICally (literally too!)...Twenty's the buzz word (atleast for my ears!)...the end of teenage (and of ODI's and Tests for the T20 frenzy !)

29th June, 2009 11:05pm..I turned Twenty!

Statutory Warning : Don't read this if you are allergic to philosophical writing or thoghts :) !

I realised that I had been one of those organisms on this planet that had managed to survive 20 years ... which means I'm one of the fittest. Don't forget Darwin's Survival of the Fittest! "A life as unique as any that has lived and is being lived on this planet of ours" - one sentence to describe my life! The moment signified the completion of one-third of my life going by current statistical life expectancy rates or one-fourth taking into account the developments in the medical sciences...

With the end of teenage comes a word called 'Responsibility'...for the self, family, society, nation and the world...Gone are those days...of teenage fun and mischief...But definitely its not the cul-de-sac...I'll still be considered young by the society atleast for 10 more years (or 20 (again?!!)) as life expectancy rates increase!)...coz 'Young' is the word that fires anyone up! :)

The Birthday Bums - And its the end of B'Day bums if I don't get into a PG course...the last of those hits and slaps on the back that are gifted for fun!

Twenty20 begins...n much will have happened before Thirty30 starts!

Thanking all those friends, relatives and well-wishers (now Which category does Mr.God fit into?) for their Birthday Wishes and All that they've done for me to survive these 20 years!

The VJ