Saturday, May 21, 2011

IIT-M in the summer - A Delight !

My first few days in the insti were during the summer vacation... totally new to d insti culture n lingo, hailing from a conservative place in south Tamil Nadu I din kno that I belonged to d class called kuntry... slowly I progressed into another class - pseud... hope I reach god level atleast while i leave this heaven..

Talking of heaven, this place is a haven during the summer.. a cool lush green forest in the middle of a hot, humid, grey and polluted city. Providing respite from the heat to my friends outside the campus, it soon became their favourite hangout too! Its only when I experienced this place, did I realize that the so called lesser beings are infact more intelligent than us to live under nature's care, than foolishly build our own habitats that really are disgusting. I agree that man made habitats - buildings, towns and cities are aesthetically appealing and intelligently realized ideas, but they are no match for nature..

Nature is the ultimate engineer and we do have a lot to learn from her... and we have succeeded in the past mimicking nature quite a lot of times. The insti in the summer has lesser junta, lesser pressure, more masti and everything's good... the only drawback being that there's no junta in CCD and Tifany'd during this time. So there's less to watch :(
To sum up, its a true delight - Insti in the summer!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A bad break... for a better blog!

Its all changed! I'm not working. I say bye bye to Tata once again and decide to study. Getting lucky with two admits at IITM for a masters by research program, I step into the world of research. (I won't talk abt my awesomely humiliating performance at the IISc interviews...)

A research scholar and a student of IIT-M now, my thinking, attitude, outlook towards life and my priorities, all have undergone substantial transformation... and I sincerely hope tha same happens to my blog too...

Refresh yourselves... and your browser too ;-)

The VJ is back!!!