Monday, December 15, 2008

Die deutsche Technik vs. 日本工学

The Question that is on every engineering maniac's lips!-

German Engineering or Japanese Engineering!

Lets get set 4 the big debate -

Is German Engineering the best in the world..."Yes!"-say those who believe that German Engineering is a brand name.U think of the Engineerig Giants like Robert Bosch,Volkswagen,BMW,..n agree.Just then the Japs come n remind u of Honda,Toyota,Sony...n u r stuck in a dilemma...Whom do I support?

Well,the Japs r sharp industrious people n their products r extremely reliable...their manufacturing is the best in the world(in terms of quality,management n precision..remember that they r knoen for their Robots,electronics,Toyota Production system n all)...they complete their entire designed lifecycle sans problems...The Germans on the other hand r the best in the world for mechanical/chemical/process engineering n their cars r more powerful n fun to drive...their machinery are the most purchased in the world...though now challenged by the electronic prowess of the Japs

Now, to conclude go Japs 4 reliability n German 4 functionality.....for Design n Styling u have the Italians...don't forget the Swedish 4 product development...China 4 cost...Russia 4 technology...America 4 Brand(though this is no more valid)...

Commented about the world...Now what do I say about my Sweet India? Please do not say "India for Software n BPO"...Don't u feel we must excel in Design & Manufacturing (Core Engineering)to be the complete engineering nation!
We have a long way to go...we have the largest engineering workforce...Can we do it?
Wake up Indian Engineers(stop selling ur brains to America n Germany, they have enough intellectuals there!).....We need to compete..."Its the survival of the fittest!"

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Placement Training Begins

With the results of fifth semester being declared and the sixth semester classes already in progress,my seniors decided to formally start the placement training classes today.Though there were a few training sessions in the previous semester too, that was not officially considered as placement training.

The seniors had asked us to prepare our resumes.I struggled with the resume for a few hours thinking what to include and what not to include.I then took one of my favorite seniors (named 'Sudarshan'-who was very popular in my coll )resume and modified it to include my details...Of course, I had to write my own Professional Objective and marks.I wished I could use his marks and achievements, but that would be cheating.

I was at a loss for to mention my achievements, coz I didn't accomplish any.Sudarshan's resume' only made me feel my resume' was lacklustre.I'll have to buck up b4 its too late!

In the GD session too, I was not very successful, being called 'Dominating' by my seniors.
Honestly, to dominate wasn't my intention.In fact I was the last person in my Group to start speaking...then came the other criticism that my hands shake when I talk...Well that happens every time I talk publicly even when I'm not nervous..some problem that needs to be taken care of..there were many more to follow...only thing is that I let them pass through the other ear!

Criticisms galore, the struggle for survival goes on!Change or loose seems to be the dictum!
As Darwin said"Its the survival of the fittest"!


Monday, December 1, 2008

Finally, The Results Are Out!

As planned by me, I got up quite early today and went to seek the blessings of the elephant headed God.We were expecting that the results would be released before the end of lunch either in the 10:45 or the 12:50 break.But the examination dept. had different plans.

After the lunch somebody told that the results will be out at 4:00 in the evening.

All of a sudden, there was a huge crowd outside the Mechanical Engg. Dept. office. Some people had already seen their results on the Net.Students started crowding at the college's central computing centre,even dept. lab PCs were used for viewing the results.With all these places already overcrowded, I and some of my classmates decided to wait for the office clerk to post the results on the notice board.The clerk came along with a lab attender holding the much feared results in his hands after 15 min.I could hear my heart pounding.I just wanted to pass.I wanted to see the words PASS and not FAIL in front of my reg. no.

But those words evaded me for a minutes which seemed like hours(how right Einstein was in his explanation of the theory of relativity!)First the second yr. results were posted, then came the Third yr. results..Reg. No. 01,02,....23,24,...56,..78,79,....
Then the sheet which had my no. was hidden by the many faces belonging to those anxious souls standing before me.I had to wait.Then when I managed to get in front..I could see 85,86,..89,90,..then 91.

What I experienced in the next few seconds was agony...The GPA as well as the PASS/FAIL comment was hidden by the brass handle of the notice board glass.I had to push through to the first row to peep into the place that had my career plans written on it...and then finally it was there..those very words that I longed to see-PASS!I wanted to jump...

I had to do more of this peeping to view my GPA ...a decent eight point seven one.Then I started seeing my marks in each friends' marks...the toppers' marks(nine point two nine)...returned to hostel shared this happy news of PASSING with my friends...heard the marks of other dept. guys..there were 2 ten pointers in ECE...more than 25 getting above nine..similar was the case in other depts. too..nine point nines and eights....

But I wasn't bothered.thanked Ganesha profusely.All I wanted was to pass...Maybe I can improve my CGPA in the remaining semesters.Till then have lots of fun..after all what is college life for!