Tuesday, September 15, 2009

NI kicks me out! - My first job interview failure

Yes, finally a company came. And came a company that was too good to enter into, a company which I thought would not recruit anyone in this recession hit period, that too from our college and mechanical engineers - National Instruments! But they were there...
On Monday morning...it all started with a delayed Aptitude Test attempted by 160+ from the three departments - MECHANICAL, EEE n ECE.I attempted just 31 questions out of 60 in the given time period of 45 min. Most of the
The results were announced after the lunch at the end of a PPT by National Instruments employees - young men in their twenties! We had expected people from a separate HR department, much more experienced than the ones who showed up on that day - they looked like kids :P who'd just passed out of a college!
PO announces the results -
Group 1 - my name not there... :(
Group 2 - not there... :(
Group 3 - 2nd name. Oh no! Gotta go n change into some decent formals...I rush up with my roomie Braggs who also gets selected, to the room...and then off to the College Guest House where all these GDs and interviews take place usual. About 24 of us got selected. The GD was held in 3 batches. I was in the second batch.

With some talking and a lit bit of shouting (if talking loudly is shouting!) I get through the easy topic: "Higher Studies - MS vs. MBA"

I get into the next round(11 clear it) - Technical Presentation...where I presented on Refrigeration and answered all the questions thanks to my RAC internals that was held just a week ago! It got over by 10.30 Then I was into the last round - the interview. 4 of us had got selected and we got this msg at 11.30 pm...I tried whatever I could the whole night, pulled up an all-nighter and successfully screwed up the interview. Wasn't even able to answer even simple questions. Such was my level of preparation and technical knowledge.....and get thrown out of it! So are Sundar and PKS. Only Gunda goes ahead to Bangalore but then he also fails to get into the prestigious NI! FAILURE NO. 1 :)

Finally TCS saves me! (on Dec. 7 and result on 8th)Thank you TCS :)

Waiting for a good core company to take me in...

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