Friday, January 30, 2009

Quest 2009 - Part 3

At 7:45 in the morning, I entered the main block.Seeing me clothed in a denim SJ was surprised."Hey! You not going on stage today..?"I had to tell him that my work was in the evening n by that time I would be clothed in that formal form of dressing in which he was too eager to se me in.B was racing up n down the corridor ordering the juniors to do his work......The guests arrived ...of course, in Indian Standard Time....thankfully for B (who wasn't ready).
He n K were quite good(...My Tamil's good enough to judge somebody's speech...)our friends J n SJ n the others also spoke well...
With a lot of work remaining for the evening , my noon n afternoon time was spent on work, work and some more work... with some more work n lots of tension (n fun too) my part was over...the evening fn. went off well.....the only problem being that there seemed to be more people on the stage than in front of it !(as the program reached the end).

With Quest'09 being officially over, the Big-D congratulated everybody..shook hands with everyone who was in his vicinity...n then there was the photo session..the bashing session...when the office bearers were given their dues..the much feared beatings n blows...the staff didnt seem to mind all the shor n hullah...The next day went off with me n B writing n typing the report 4 the newspapers...n the two General Secretaries sending thank you smses...

Quest 2009 had come to an end!

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